
Toot Toot!

Ok, I wasn't going to do this, but I just gotta! That's right - I'm TOOTing my own horn!

Remember my losing contest entries that I posted here? Well, even though I didn't win the actual contest, The Angel Company has chosen BOTH pieces of my "Card to Crop" entry to be featured on their website this month! Each month, they select 9 contest entries that didn't quite make the mark for whatever reason as a winner but still deserved recognition. They put those 9 projects on the Featured Artwork page of their website for a month. By the middle of March, they will have new projects there. All of them are awesome!

Anyway, considering the probably-overwhelming amount of contest entries that they receive, I feel quite honored to even be noticed! I feel like I still "won", KWIM?

So I will keep pluggin' along and maybe one of these days you will see me TOOTing again! This really is quite exciting for me, can ya tell?!


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