
Card of Thanks

I just whipped this card up in about 15 minutes so that I could enter for blog candy that my friend and fellow angel Bridgett is giving away. What I REALLY should be doing is baking pies and persimmon pudding for Thanksgiving! So I'm in a hurry.

One of her stipulations for entering was to make a Thanks card for someone. I made this one with my mom in mind (sorry mom, guess it's not a surprise now huh, LOL!) She loves butterflies and I want to thank her for giving my son piano lessons. Although I play the piano as well, it just works better that I don't teach him, know what I mean?

I used the Juliette cardstock collection from The Angel Company. The stamp sets are Butterfly Bits and Be Authentic, also from TAC. I used Versamagic Sahara Sand and Eggplant inks, as well as Palette Bordeaus. All of those are from TAC too.

Here's a close-up view to show the layers.

I hope you'll go check out Bridgett's blog and enter her giveaway! Tell her I sent you!

Also, fellow angels Barb and Christina both have some blog candy up for grabs. Go check theirs out too and tell them I sent you!

One more link I want to share with you - I forgot to add this to yesterday's "THANK YOU" post regarding all the comments on my own Blog Treat post. The whole theme there is cutting back on STUFF this holiday season. I definitely wanted to share with you the link to my FAVORITE "great deals" website!

It's It's a great site all year long, but right now it is HOPPING! They also have a special Black Friday site where they posted all of the Black Friday ads early. You can do a search at the top of the page there for whatever item you're looking for, and it will show you all the stores that will have it on sale Friday morning. I enjoy browsing through the forums when I have time. I've found links to some really great deals there!

Ok, I really gotta get off of here and get busy! Have a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING!!!!



Bridgett Owens said...

Thank you for playing along for my Blog Candy! Your card is so beautiful! I love it!! Since you made a card, also, now you have 2 chances to win!!! I have been reading your comments section on ways to scale back this year and it's been so great to see different ways (and a few of the same) to cut back without losing the meaning of Christmas. I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving! My mouth waters everytime I read you are making persimmon pudding. Mmmmm!

Dianette Seda said...

This card is really great! And that is the paper pack I've been working with for the card kit. When I finish I will showcase yours for more great ideas with it!

Anonymous said...

What a pretty card... I just love that butterfly set.

Sarah said...

Beautiful card! I know what you mean about the piano lesson thing. My dad plays the piano, but my parents sent me to someone else for lessons because we knew it probably wouldn't work out if he taught me. Here's a funny story- my dad is a K-8 vocal music and band instructor and also teaches vocal music at our high school. He can read music, but his specialty is playing by ear. Well, I began to pick that up and it really irritated my piano teacher. I took lessons 3rd grade through Senior year of high school and did pretty good. It has been more fun, though, listening to my dad's piano style and learning some of his trademark piano 'licks'. Currently , I play the piano for our church's praise team and dad trades between piano and bass guitar. It has been fun sharing our common interest of music over all these years! I hope you and your son can make some fun memories, too!

Sarah G.

Anonymous said...

Lovely card. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. rita w

Anonymous said...

Hi Vickie! Your card is so nice that I made a cardlift, I hope you don't mind (tomorrow on my blog with a link to yours)
Patricia from France

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