Just received my FREE copy of Just Cards magazine today! Here's the cover:

And here are my cards in this issue. They're all older ones that I had in my stash and I sent them in last December. But I sent in 28 cards at the time, and I've now had 28 published over the course of 3 issues. So it's time to send more in I guess!

Thanks for letting me shine for a moment. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. ;o)
Congrats! Your cards are great!
Hi there! Congrats on your publications, that's so exciting. Glad to see all is well.
congrats! FREE TAC stamps. Yeah for you
Vicki, Don't you just love "The Cards" magazine. I just love, love it!! Congrats on the publications. I will be sure and look for them once I get my new copy!! TFS
Kathy Brown
Gallatin, TN
Congrats girlfriend!! You shine all you want!! You deserve it! :)
Congrats on the publication! These are great.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the Volkswagon Bug card....it's so dang cute!!! They are all great, but that one is my favorite.
YEAHHHH for you!!!! TOOOOOOT all you want!
Congratulations!!! Two publications in a row!! Good for you!!!
I guess I should get off my duff and submitt some cards to this magazine, too!
I fell in love with the buggie card. (Is that how they call the Volks Wagon there? I know here they do).
Clicked before I finished the comment. Good thing the boss went out. lol.
Congrats for your publication!!!
Those cards are great! I fell in love with the VW one. But I loved three others too!
Someday I want to be a great crafter and submit to magazines.
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