
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Blog Award

My friend Bridgett left me this award on her blog:

THANKS Bridgett!

So now I'm supposed to list six things I value, six things I don't, and send this one to six other bloggers. Well, I'm not feeling well, therefore my brain isn't working (like it ever does, LOL!) plus I'm in a hurry - gotta go pick up the kiddos at school. But here goes:

1. God
2. My family - they put up with me!
3. My church family
4. 75-80 degree weather
5. My job (Stay-home-mom!)
6. Our new house (see the project HERE)

Don't Value:
1. Liars
2. Thieves
3. Winter weather
4. Price of everything going up
5. Factories closing, people losing their jobs (including my dad!)
6. PMS!

Blogs I like to visit. Bridgett listed many of the same ones I would have, so I'll try to pick someone different:
1. Patti (tell her she needs to stamp something, LOL!)
2. Awna
3. Amy
4. Tosh
5. Angela
6. Dawn


  1. You defintely deserve this award! You are very creative and truly inspire me to try new things and I am so excited to see what you post each time!

  2. Yeah, I definitely NEED to stamp something. LOL Hopefully soon! :)
